
July 31, 2014

July 31st 2014

two little words & one little action that changed my life this week... WINGED EYELINER! lol! i have always sucked at makeup, i am horrible at it. i love eye shadows & i am "ok" at those but thats about it. i took several hours on monday to watch youtube tutorials on winged eyeliner & then drew it on me (6+ times) & i think i finally nailed it :D i am really loving having that new little skill. since my hair is so short now i basically have to wear more makeup ;)
i am also loving the OCC lip tar in "queen"with NYX summer love over it. so yay for makeup!


i have a bitchy comment to make today too (i try not to post/write/think mean stuff but i can't resist) i just love it when people get on to you about how you "let people" be mean/rude to you (i call it picking your battles, no reason to fuss over someones bad mood) & said people get real mean & outspoken about how they feel about it (in public), basically doing the same thing, but "not to be mean" just letting you know. AND THEN they turn around & let the same thing happen to them but 10X worse! really? and i'm the lame ass... i don't like this saying but: I CAN"T EVEN! SHM OMG WTF.