
April 1, 2015

Birthday resolutions for my 32nd birthday!

1. Drink more water! This always tops my list & I never stick with it. I think I need to switch back to glacier water because I will drink that & actually enjoy it.

2. Stretch at least 5 days of the week & at least 3 of those over stretching to gain even more flexibility in my legs.

3. Exercise 5 or more days a week. Pole, hoop, walk, garden hard, any combination of that's will do!

4. Learn to grow food that we can eat! (I'm working on that now). 

5. Craft daily again. I was a daily knitter or crocheter for many years and since I have started working a haven't made time for that & I miss it. I need a simple project that I can pump out while watching tv :)

6. Wear sunscreen everyday... On my face... Which I HATE! I need to find one that agrees with my skin & feels light so I can protect my face. 

I really don't have anything else I'd like to see change in myself. I hope I stick to the water one this time so it can not be included on 33 ;)